Monday, August 27, 2012

Favorite Hair Clip

What!? You don't have ONE favorite hair clip? This past weekend my cousin asked if she could borrow a clip for her hair before she started cooking, and before I could answer, she said "never mind, I found one. Can I borrow this?" I immediately thought NO but instead I said "ok, but don't forget to put it back, it's my favorite clip", she laughed and I was like "No, seriously. I have had it since I lived with grandma, which means it's over 8 years old. It is the perfect size, for both half up/half down and all up hair. It's a nice neutral color and I just love it!".
Pretty positive I bought it at Big Lots in a four pack for less than $2 but I have not seen another that comes close to it. I actually have 2 left and I have misplaced both, several times over the years, but they always find their way back to me.

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